You’re driving along, and your vehicle decides that it isn’t going to move any further. You’re able to safely get it to the side of the road, but what do you do now? If you have any knowledge of vehicles, see if you can assess what is going on. Do you have a flat tire? Is your vehicle overheating? Has your battery stopped working? This information will be valuable when you give us a call at Burnaby Towing. Also, take a look around you. You might be somewhere very notable. You could also be on the middle of the highway, with no landmarks to determine where exactly you are. Any information that you can provide our towing Burnaby dispatch team will help us get to you in a timely manner. If you can, switch on your emergency flashers or lift your hood. This will make your vehicle stand out to one of our technicians.
When it comes to routine vehicle maintenance, this is a very valuable routine to get into. You’ve made the major investment of buying a car. Now, you have to invest in its future. Routine maintenance can include things such as an oil change, tire rotation, brake service or topping off of fluids. If you skip these things regularly, this can lead to problems with your vehicle that can leave you stranded on the side of the road. It might seem like it’s too expensive to have routine maintenance performed every so often, but think about the cost you’ll incur when you’re vehicle has stalled. You don’t know what kind of repairs or service you’re going to need to pay for at that point. A little problem should be addressed once you notice that there is something going wrong. The repair could be very affordable at that point. Once you leave it for a couple more weeks, you’re simply increasing the costs of repair as time goes on. Not to mention, something being wrong with your vehicle could be causing a safety issue. This isn’t something you want to mess around with.
A simple oil change can make a big difference in the overall quality of your vehicle. Having an oil change done every 6 or 12 months can protect your engine, increase the efficiency of your vehicle and protect other parts of your vehicle. A major engine breakdown can usually be avoided with regular routine maintenance. You don’t want to lack the necessary lubricant that your engine needs to keep running. Keep track of when you have your last oil change performed. Many service centers will send you a reminded when you should be making your next appointment. Some newer vehicles have a system that will monitor the quality and level of your oil. Older models don’t have this technology. You’ll have to monitor everything yourself. It won’t take very long to get an oil change done, but the results are incredibly beneficial.